Friday, July 13, 2007

Blue Lake Provincial Park

We spent two lovely days at Blue Lake Provincial Park with Greg's cousin Erin and her partner of 30+ years, Murray, and Duke the Dog.

We also visited Greg's Auntie Georgie and Uncle Elmer who are both doing well.

The park is a camp site with many amenities––nature trails, amphitheater, interpretive center, kids programs, and a wide sandy beach with famously clear––but cold––water. The boys were hoping to swim in Blue Lake, but it was very windy both days with little rain storms blowing in intermittently. The swimming lasted about five minutes.

Instead, we spent many hours on the park trails which were deserted, despite the fact that the park seemed very busy. Duke is a great trail dog and saved us from grouse and deer on the trail.

Erin was a great trail guide. She knew much of the flora and fauna of the area and we grazed through a few hikes, eating lots of blueberries. (We did not eat any mushrooms!)

As soon as we drove into the park, Sam said, "There are other children here!" Within an hour we had little girls asking if we knew where Sam was. It was a Lord of the Flies scene with an instant community of children running and biking through the park. Sam borrowed a bike from a family camped close by and Jonas got a lot of exercise running along behind.

After two nights of tent camping in the wet park we were ready to come "home" to Bathing Beauty Bay and our own sandy beach and cold water.

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